Vancouver Pride

Last Sunday I was at the Vancouver Pride. The Pride meant pride indeed and joy, happiness, friendship and fun.I was so happy to see all those marching people and the cheering crowd of some thousand people. When I was standing and enjoying myself there too I realized that that image was so different from ones I can see in my home country Poland, where the Pride is called The Equality March and where the fun is replaced by a real fight between marching people and those far right radicals who want to destroy the joy. In Vancouver nothing was thrown at the marching people, nothing impolite or rude was said. Pure joy! In Poland police secures the pride, in Vancouver they also too part in it. The same as members of congress, doctors, teachers, priests and all other groups of people. Why in Vancouver it is possible not to have slur language or not to be attacked only because of sexual orientation? Why here in Poland LGBT community still faces discrimination? There are only some thousands miles between two countries, but there are some 30 years in development and culture between them too.


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